Safety Signs Blog

Infection Prevention

5th March 2020 |

Coronavirus prevention signage can play an important part in your strategy to reduce the spread of Coronavirus at your workplace or site. 

The first way that posters and signage can be helpful is by encouraging good preventative measures.  This includes Catch it, bin it, kill it signs and posters which encourage people to use a tissue when they sneeze, to then bin the tissue and to use hand-washing to kill the virus. 

Posters and signs can also be used to encourage specific behaviours, advertising tissue / glove or face mask stations or asking people to use Hand Sanitiser before entering a particular area.  If you have sites based in Welsh then dual language (golchwch eich dwylo / now wash your hands) signs might be worth considering. 

You can also use posters to discourage other behaviours that might lead to virus spreading. For example posters that ask people not to enter a particular are if they are feeling unwell, or signs asking people not to shake hands, even if this would have been the normal convention in a business meeting. 

Finally using signage for quarantine, isolation pods, quarantine rooms or quarantine areas to help control traffic flows or reassure people in triage situations. 

We stock a wide range of signs and posters that could help with your virus prevention plans. We also a range of custom signs for specific messages that are shipped the same day on all orders placed before 4:30. 




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